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Spotlight On: Daniel

Having joined The King’s School in Year 7 from Barrington Tops, New South Wales, Daniel has embraced all facets that King’s provides, particularly excelling in the Cadet Corps.

Starting in the Cadet Corps in Year 8, Daniel has participated in each leadership promotion course, rising through the ranks and developing his communication and management skills.

Commander of The King’s School Cadet Corps, Lieutenant Colonel Brendan Stewart said, “Daniel has demonstrated excellent leadership amongst his fellow cadets, he has developed skills in communication, influence and his eagerness to learn cadet doctrine and familiarise himself with relevant knowledge and understanding in all aspects of the Corps has seen him succeed and progress through the ranks.”

“In the 2021 Junior Leaders’ Course Daniel was promoted to Corporal, in the 2022 Senior Leaders’ Course he was promoted to Staff Sergeant and finally in the 2023 CUO/Warrant Officers Course, Daniel achieved Dux of the course and was promoted to the rank of Cadet Under Officer and position of Adjutant,” added LTCOL Stewart.

Daniel said that the Corps provided him with a platform to develop his leadership in a fun environment, “whether it be as a first-year cadet or as the Adjutant, every single day in the program has allowed me to become a better leader for those around me by going through unique challenges that I would never have experienced elsewhere.”

During his time as Adjutant, Daniel alongside his Regimental Sergeant Major WO1 Mack, led the Corps with distinction, having to overcome several hurdles in particular the weather at the Annual Field Exercise.

“During AFX24, through a significant weather event, Daniel was able to mobilise well over 100 cadets into a shelter, placing aside his own comfort, he was able to practise real leadership in the field, demonstrating some of the most impressive cadet leadership I have witnessed in over a decade,” said LTCOL Stewart.

While challenging at the time, Daniel stated it was a high point of his time in the Corps.

“One of my favourite highlights from my time in the Corps was this year’s Annual Field Exercise. Despite the torrential rain we experienced over 11 days on both Advanced Party and the Main Body of camp, the boys around me made it my favourite experience by far, as we all supported each other to make it through the camp,” Daniel stated.

Daniel described his time in cadets as one of the experiences that shaped his time at King’s, “it feels incredible to be out on the parade ground leading the younger boys, feeling like I am part of something much larger”.

“For those boys just starting in the Cadet Corps, I would encourage them to listen to the knowledge given to them by the older boys, their wisdom can help in many different ways. Additionally, if you find the program difficult, stick with it, the challenges and learning curves you go through will develop you into a much more resilient and adaptable person,” added Daniel.

With the Passing Out Parade one of the first milestones for the graduating Year 12 students, Daniel reflected on his time at the School.

“Being a Kingsman has provided a clear way forward for me in life, as I seek to live a life of compassion and service for the people around me. The opportunities available to the boys here at King’s are phenomenal, and by being a Kingsman I have been able to try new things and further explore my own interests.”

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